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Tips for wiring devices to Aeon's DAQ interface

For the DAQ wiring, several things will guide your channel selections. First, a device's channel must come from the correct power group, either 15 V or 5 V.

Second, 5 V devices with a separate signal return pin must be connected to channels 105 through 110. Three-pin 5 V devices can be connected to channels 112-123. The exact channel for these is not important, so choose channels so as to minimize tangling cables.

Third, if it's a 15 V device, its maximum output voltage must be determined, and then a channel with a sufficiently high maximum input tolerance should be assigned.

Fourth, cables for devices which require -15V should be made extra long at first -- long enough to reach to their channel, plus the extra length needed to get from the channel location to the -15V bus on the left side of the DAQ interface card. On these cables, after they are routed and zip-tied to within a few inches of their destination, peel out the yellow wire from the ribbon, to the point where the remainder of the cable will comfortably reach the selected channel. Don't forget to include a reasonable service loop, so the cable will not be stretched to reach the destination. Then trim the black-to-orange portion of the cable to length (NOT cutting the yellow wire), and install its pins and a four-pin housing on them. Mate the connector to the selected channel on the DAQ interface CCA. Then route the dangling yellow wire to any convenient location on the -15 V bus, trim it to length and install a pin on it. After crimping this single pin, use needle-nose pliers to pinch down the tiny "ski-tip" retainer, much like what happens when you use that special tool to remove a pin from a housing, but a bit more severely. You should no longer be able to feel the ski-tip with your finger after pinching it down. Finally, cut a length of black 1/16" heat-shrink tubing to serve as the housing for this single pin. Make it the same length as a normal housing, or maybe 1/16" longer. Use the heat gun to shrink the tubing so the open end of the tubing is flush with the open end of the pin. Avoid burning your fingers!

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